
Our prices are quite straightforward. There is an initial set up fee of £195 and an ongoing monthly fee. All designs are available on all price plans. We believe in transparency with our prices – there are no hidden charges although there are some extra items such as setting up a Facebook page for you that are available at extra cost. If you are in any doubt please enquire.


When to Pay – we ask customers to set up their monthly standing order from the date that we start work on the website. This means that our outlay for domain registration and setting up hosting is covered from the outset. The setup fee is then payable within 3 days of the website being completed.

All prices are monthly payable by standing order, minimum one year, cancellable at immediate notice thereafter.

Additional pages or facilities available on request – please just ask. Extra monthly SEO available on all plans.



Domain Name
We will discuss with you the best domain name to choose. The cost including future renewals is included in the price for and .com domains. The domain will be registered in your name, so that if in the unlikely event you want to move to a new website provider, you can take the domain name with you.
If you already have a domain name we can give you instructions as to how we can manage it for you or you can simply go to your control panel and point it to our hosting. If you want an extra domain name then that is charged monthly at £1 per domain and £1.50 per .com domain

Our hosting is fast and reliable (site load speed is a Google ranking factor). Your site will be totally secure and we use SSL  meaning that your url starts with https:// rather than http://  – the s means secure. Updating of scripts etc included.

We have a range of modern designs that can be adapted for your needs. However please note there are limitations with each design in changing the layout.

Mobile Friendly
Your site will use responsive design which means it will give optimal performance on all devices

Optimised for Google
We will ensure your site is optimised for Google and other search engines – this is called SEO. This includes appropriate use of keywords and meta tags, good site structure and a number of links to your site from other relevant websites. Additional monthly SEO is included in the Premium and Premium+ plans – see below for more info.

We will write the content for you, or you can write it yourself. Most people ask us to write it, in which case we will send you a list of things for you to indicate what you would like included. The site will include seven pages for Basic, ten for Premium and twelve for Premium+. Extra pages can be added at a later stage for a one of cost, usually around £10 depending on the amount of work required. Upon request we can give you access to edit the content of your pages and create new pages. However we do not allow full administrative permissions to edit the layout of the site.

Some designs include a testimonial section on the homepage. Future changes are only included under the Premium and Premium+ plans. We can also include a dedicated testimonials page on the same basis.

Show Me Tell Me Questions
Your site will include a page for the show me tell me questions, which will also be available for your pupils to access in pdf format. The page will also include a short animated video containg the questions

Privacy and Cookie Consent
We will provide you with a Privacy notice that you can use and will enable an unobtrusive cookie consent notice.

Social Media (Facebook etc)
We can link to your Facebook page or other social media. As a separate service we can set up a dedicated Facebook page at a cost of £20.

Contact page
We will include a contact page with a contact form that directs to your email address.

We will set up an email address for you – contact@  your domain name. You will have a 10GB mailbox. This email account is for your driving school business use only and is not suitable for personal use. We will send you setup details for accessing your emails from your phone or desktop, although due to the variety of different devices we cannot offer support with setup.

Website changes
Future changes to your site are not included in the cost of the Basic plan. However, at our discretion, we will normally do minor changes such as a change in lesson price free of charge. The Premium  and Premium+ plans allow up to one hour’s work on the site per month included in the price.

Basic sites include one animated show me tell me video featuring your logo or business name at the beginning and end.
Premium sites include two videos – show me tell me and driving test information.
Premium+ sites include three videos – the Show Me Tell Me animated video, a driving test information animated video and a promotional video, all containing your driving school details. We will host these for you, but we can send them to you to upload to your own YouTube channel if required. Please get in touch using the contact form if you would like to see some examples. These videos are provided as is. Any changes that you want to the videos is chargeable at our hourly rate.

Payment of setup fee is made after you have placed your order and before we register or transfer the domain and set up the hosting. The first month’s hosting fee is payable at the same time. Payment of the setup fee can be by credit card (we will send you an invoice with card payment details) or bank transfer. Monthly fees are payable by bank standing order.


What SEO do I get?
All sites include basic SEO with setup. This includes ensuring that your site is set up with appropriate keyword density, use of keywords in meta tags and that other basic SEO good practice is in place and acquisition of a few strategic links. Additional SEO either included in Premium and Premium+ or paid for as an extra includes rank monitoring, acquisition of and maintaining high quality external links, ongoing review of site to maintain up to date SEO best practice.